Saturday, December 6, 2008

About us...

Perhaps some of you would like to know "Our Story".

We were both attending Brigham Young University- Idaho during the Fall of 2005. Dave and I were placed in the same Family Home Evening group through church at school. I was assigned to be a leader of the group a.k.a. "mom" and so it was my job to encourage members of the group to attend and participate, plan the lessons and activities, and ensure that opportunities for friendships were available.
Dave was often M.I.A for these Monday night gatherings, and I assumed he was a slacker. In reality, Dave often went to be with his real family in Ririe (a town near Rexburg). In my ignorance, I made it my goal to re-activate this wayward soul.
One of Dave's roommates offered to take me to '(Spanish) Stadium Singing' one October Sunday night. In an attempt to make it a group outing, I invited all of the other roommates, and by divine intervention- Dave agreed to go, despite the fact that he didn't sing, didn't speak Spanish (back then), and was probably irritated at my constant invitations to F.H.E. I shared my hymnal with him on that cold night, since it was me who invited him. My origional "date" stood behind us while we belted out the hymns in Spanish as best we could, I am sure he wasn't thrilled at the turn-out of the night.
After a few songs, my hand had been through enough of the Idaho chill and so it took it's turn for the pocket time. My left hand took its place, while my right went to a pocket... again by divine intervention, it went straight to the sweater pocket being worn by Dave! Wow! I couldn't remove it without being extremely awkward, but all I could think was, "Hand! What on EARTH are you doing in there?!" -Honest!
Until this time, Dave and I had never thought twice about being interested in eachother. I had never looked at him in that light, besides, he was just an inactive FHE brother. At that moment, however, Dave slipped his right hand, which was previously perched on the side of his pocket, towards the middle, ever so slowly. His fingers explored mine, and our hands fit snugly together. We looked at eachother and both shrugged as if to say, "Well, alright!" and that was the beginning.
The rest of the story is that we dated until he went on his mission in September 2006- not without our ups and downs, wrote letters all the way through to the end- despite much opposition, and still felt those strong bonds of love when we were reunited again, thus with the affirmation from the Lord, the blessing from our parents, we're engaged to be married for eternity!
That's my side of the story- and I'm sticking to it!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful story! David is so very lucky to have you as a soon to be wife! I have known David nearly all my life and I am so happy for him! Ironicly enough just a day or two before he came home from his mission I moved into a home near him and am now neighbors with his family... *giggle* who knew! :) Congrats!
