Monday, January 26, 2009

Our Beloved and Honored Friends: The Bridesmaids and Groomsmen

Carly Schneider has been one of Amber's best friends for about 10 years. Through thick and thin, Carly has been a shoulder to cry on, a friend to confide in, and something of a sister to spend wonderful moments with. Together, she and Amber had the opportunity to travel to various places in Europe, attend EFY, and even study at Brigham Young University-Idaho together. The support they each gain from eachother is strength that has weathered many storms, and has spread to those around them. The contagious giggling, the spark for life, and the wonderful stories have been only a small portion of what makes Carly so amazing.

Landon Coburn has been a devoted friend to Dave. As his first roommate at BYUI, Landon has been one to help Dave through the stressful times school can bring. Playing the roll of wing-man, friend, and advisor, Dave has turned to Landon many times for all of what makes someone a true friend. The support and strength that he gives him are not selective. They span across school, work, and play, as well as the support he gives Dave in his choices for the future. He is always good for some relaxation and fun, and has oftentimes invited Dave and Amber for a movie or other activity. Forever a friend, always of assistance, Landon is what you would call Golden.

McKenzie Vonasek is Amber's cousin and friend. The two share a special bond unique to them- they share the same birthday... and grandparents! McKenzie has an incredible sense of humor that will send any overly serious person into rolls of laughter. She is always one to lighten the mood and brighten the day. She is a very talented woman who is finishing her schooling at Paul Mitchell, and has been gracious enough to agree to make Amber beautiful for her wedding day... ah! What a gal! She has such an eye for what is good and is not afriad to share her talents with others. McKenzie is guilty for adding the zest to life, and all who know her will agree she has an ability to touch all who come into her life with her contagious love and humor.
Rhoan Ashby is a famous character in the stories Dave shares of his mission to the Dominican Republic. He served as Dave's companion for 4.5 months, spending 24/7 together involved in such activities as teaching, preaching, serving, sleeping, eating, and goofing off together. Not a story Dave tells about the infamous "Elder Ashby" is told without a twinkle in his eye as he recalls the times of his mission that brought him such joy because of this companion. Rhoan was so eager to befriend Dave's sweetheart, that he decided to write to her as well while serving abroad. These bonds of friendship are not easily severed, and the good times not soon forgotten. Rhoan has engrained himself in a very meaningful part of Dave's history and heart.

Andree Anne Laga has been a wonderful friend and example to Amber. Prior to her marriage to the equally wonderful Benjamin (Whit) Laga, she spent many years as Amber's roommate. Topping Amber's list of favorites, she was more than just a roommate;she is a wonderful example of strength and faith, and serves as an incredible friend who has helped Amber through the difficulties of waiting for Dave, the tears through the nursing program, and the trials of daily life. Showing Amber what it means to love others, she has more than involved her in the details of her life, and now honors her as a bridesmaid. She is as dear as a sister, and has shone her light in Amber's life. She serves others in every way possible and takes little thought of herself. An example of natural beauty and God-like love, Andree Anne is a treasure in Amber and Dave's lives.

Michael Reed covers the pages of Dave's history, you could say they were brothers separated at birth. From preschool to graduation and beyond, Michael has been David's buddy. These three muskateers with the addition of McCallan Chadwick have provided for some colorful stories which are all over the map- spanning from hilarious to frightening. Michael has been such an influence on Dave and has had his hand in forming Dave into the great man he is today. Michael is a dedicated person, and ever available for a great laugh or deep insights. He made it important to him to get to know Amber as well, and has formed a great friendship full of sass and sarcasm, not to forget the kindness and love with her as well. He is ever eager and willing to serve others and share his wisdom and love to all who stand in need.

Alisha Bennett has been Amber's saving grace many times throughout her life. How perfectly God planned for her to be Amber's sister. She may be younger, but she is definitely the example here- full of love and compassion and sweet service. Alisha has ever been the patient and thoughtful one. The years have brought the two closer as life deals out it's experiences. She holds a strength and a comfort that are unmatched. She really knows what it means to love like you've never been hurt, sing like no one is listening, and dance as though no one is watching. She is a pillar of strength for Amber which has offered its support during many storms throughout the years. She posesses a smile that is irresistable and playful, she is always one to influence others for good with her amiable personality and love. She is truly a beautiful person, inside and out.

Josh Jones is Dave's friend and employer. Home-grown in the same rich soil, the two of them make quite the dynamic duo. He is very versatile, with a span of knowledge that allows him to take on many roles: from boss, to co-worker, to doctor, and friend. Josh is very easy to get along with, and never misses an opportunity to befriend someone new. He is an example and a strength to Dave and Amber. He pursues his interests outside of work and school, and is always including those around him so that they too can cultivate new talents and share exciting experiences. Josh is one who is always thinking of others, and is never hesitant to lend a hand. He really is a go-getter, and a source of laughter and inspiration. Those who know Josh are truly blessed to have such a great friend.

Renee Anne Lemire is a wonderful artist who has painted the color in Amber's life. With this final link, Amber, Andree Anne, and Renee have claimed themselves triplets. Her sweetness and friendliness have been what Amber has treasured for years. This spunky sweet sister has also taken Dave into her life and cultivated friendships with him, and has been even before they officially met. Renee is a very active young woman, who loves to play in the beautiful outdoors, and has introduced Amber to many great activities, such as rafting, hiking, and bridge jumping. Her love for others is an example that has been of great benefit to Amber. Because of Renee, Amber's circle of friends has grown immensly and thanks to her, Amber has been able to know many great people. Renee Anne is a beautiful, lovely, and exemplary woman, a cherished friend.


  1. aw amber!!! how fun!!! i am so excited for you!!! i can't believe how many people are getting married and how many of those weddings i can't go to!!! i'm so sad! but i am so happy for you guys!! good luck with everything!!!

  2. Amber, Love you and so excited for you! When you get this let me know - id love to talk with you.
