Thursday, May 7, 2009

Ah Married Life

Ok people- I've been hounded by those who check the blogs all the more frequently than I have time to write, so here's my second post in 3 weeks!
Many friends and family ask us how the newlyweds are doing... our answer: fantastic! Here's how: The powerful words of "Yes" or "I do" bring with them increased episodes of uncontrollable laughter and a broader perspective of what this thing called Life is really all about.
The steps to change a name are more extensive than at first glance, but as Tina Wilde wisely counselled, it is all part of the experience. With this in mind, I was probably one of the most patient people at the Idaho DMV where I gave up my last obvious claim to California. As I left the building, I had an Idaho license, license plate, occupation, and residency. Ay! Tough to let go, but worth the deal I got!
Learning to live with the opposite sex has been SO much easier than learning to live with your same gender, as for my perspective. We are learning not to complain about our differences and take proper steps to ensure that the other realize they had a choice of which of the genders to marry and the argument ends with an understanding "you're right".
With life's busy schedules and the comings and goings of having two working students in the house, we find that we subconsciously switch roles. One week I will play housewife, the next week, Dave plays house...husband! And merrily we roll along! The house is semi-set up, but we are still unpacking from the move and unwrapping from the celebrating.
Adjusting to a married student ward has been something we laugh about, and we find that although we don't have kids yet, we can easily get our fill at Sacrament meeting! Some kids make us consider changing our minds, then there are others who help us appreciate birth control so much more! You know the kind!
As far as the old saying that married people only play with married people, married people with kids only play with married people with kids, etc goes, I have to disagree. We spend time with our single friends, our married friends, and our married with kids friends like usual, and I'm even excluding Steven, who doesn't count because he's family! If I did, then the balance would tilt on the single friends side- he visits a lot... mostly for food, or to have some male bonding with Dave when he's left alone and I'm at work.
Steven is having to adjust his visiting habits a bit, and is learning that there are some places he just should not go, and some things he just should not ask about. I believe we've traumatized the poor boy! You married people know how it is. Poor chap! Mua-ha-ha!
Dave has done a fantastic job of slaying our dragons as he puts on his backpack and trucks off to school every day and then works till the evening. He's my wonderful knight in armor. I have also worked myself tired, but find that some of my greatest achievements this month have been changing two purple babies back to pink, directing traffic at the scene of a car pile-up, and running to the aid of a friends' baby after a bad falling spell (no thanks to that Rexburg wind!). Together, Dave and I accomplish the daily task of maintaining the happiness in our little home.

Our marriage is nothing glamourous but it is simple and beautiful. We do not live in a lakeview cottage where birds play and sing. Our flower-edged footpath is nothing more than a gravel and cement walkway. We are not perfect, but we are happy and strive to find the simple pleasures every day. We know they are out there, if we don't see them it's because we have shut our eyes to them. We are grateful for our loved ones who have influenced our lives- who have helped us to become who we are. If it weren't for those who love and support us, marriage and the adjustments we must make to live together would not be so easy.


  1. aww thats beautiful amber! you write so well! glad to hear you and dave are well! :)

  2. It sounds like things are going pretty well! I was so glad that I was able to come to your wedding! Love ya!

  3. Hey girly, Its Heather. Sorry I couldnt make it to the wedding, but It sounds like you are wonderful and enjoying life as it was meant to be. I am happy for you and wish you the best. Love ya.
